Welcome To Crossing the Waters Institute for Cultural Exchange!
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."
Declaration of Human Rights,
United Nations
Crossing the Waters Institute for Cultural Exchange is an international organization that OFFERS OPPORTUNITIES FOR CULTURAL CONNECTIONS between the U.S. and the African Diaspora.
We work to INSPIRE NEW WAYS OF THINKING ABOUT AFRICAN CULTURE by creating sustainable partnerships with people in the African Diaspora through education, the arts, and healing.
Invocation Ceremony
of the
25th Anniversary
Legacy Campaign
New England Peace Pagoda
June 19th 11am
100 Cave Hill Rd, Leverett, MA
We're back from
South Africa!!
Follow our journey!
We are back in the United States and regrouping after our journey to South Africa. We have much to share soon about our progress in Cape Town. In the meantime, check out our journey!
Our sincerest thanks and deepest gratitude to all of you who have helped us get to this point, whether financially or emotionally. Being united with you in our work is already a form of healing which is the ultimate mission of CTW.
We also thank the Honeybee Fund of the Common Counsel Foundation for their incredible generosity and true understanding of us and our work in providing seed funding–50% of the budget–for the CTW South Africa Project.
25th Anniversary
Preparing for the
Interfaith Pilgrimage of the Middle Passage
In preparation for the 25th Anniversary of the Interfaith Pilgrimage of the Middle Passage that led the creation of Crossing the Waters Institute for Cultural Exchange, we have begun collecting and archiving as much about the pilgrimage as possible.
If you have anything you'd like to add to the archives, including videos, articles, or even personal stories, please contact us at info@crossingthewaters.co.za or through our Contact form.
Click to learn more: